Original post authored by Reddit user "MobTwo": • https://np.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/9ed3ti/in_painful_bear_markets_like_this_heres_a/ -- Links mentioned: --- • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU (Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Episode 1 - Mike Maloney) (length: 25:55) • https://vimeo.com/17401157 (Stealing a Nation) (length: 56:40) ----------------- In painful bear markets like this, here's a reminder for why some of us are here. "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!" - Mayer Amschel Rothschild And Rothschild was right. Countries such as Venezuela and Zimbabwe used to be wealthy and prosperous, until the corrupt controlled the money supply and used it to enrich themselves. In doing so, they caused their currency to be hyper-inflated to the point of being worthless, causing suffering and pain to their millions of citizens. If you think only Venezuela and Zimbabwe keeps printing money non-stop, wait until you learn about what quantitative easing is. There is a massive fiat bubble coming, make no mistake about this. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyV0OfU3-FU The problem with having a single government is that it is not a matter of if but when-- eventually someone corrupt will take over. And the question becomes: why is my life less worthy that I have to be subservient to a group of politicians whom are not related to me, do not know me and have never met me? Why do they get to make decisions on our behalf including sending my child, my cousins, my relatives to die in war, fighting against people whom we have never met and who are not my enemies? To kill or be killed against people who have not done a single bad thing to my life? After watching this video and realizing how even a supposedly civilized government could simply destroy the innocent lives of thousands, through lies and deceit, as if these human beings were worthless like insects drives the point that power in the hands of corrupt few is horrible and absolutely disgusting. Source: https://vimeo.com/17401157 If ever we want to see a new era for humanity where there are no wars, we need to remove the power from the corrupt to print money, which in turn removes their ability to repress its citizens. And once they no longer have the power to print money, they have less financial ability to wage the wars that killed millions of people unnecessarily. The shift of power from the Few to The People is critical to make this happen because I believe, generally speaking, most people are peaceful human beings who do not want to harm nor kill another human being. Cryptocurrency, which is a peer-to-peer global cash system (and more), not controlled by any party, is our best chance for World Peace. A new era is dawning where people hold the power instead of the corrupted few. This is not about “Lambos” but a movement to bring in a new era of world peace-- not for ourselves-- but for billions of others born and the unborn generations. Add to the fact that fiat currencies have a 100% chance of losing purchasing power over time and you may understand why we need a different cash system. Yes, it's 100% guaranteed that all fiat currencies eventually lose purchasing power over time so you don't even have a 1% chance of coming out better. In fact, the average lifespan of a fiat currency is only 27 years before it becomes completely worthless. “Crypto” is the biggest humanitarian teamwork in history where strangers across the world work together to bring economic freedom, equality and help lift billions of people out of poverty. Unfortunately, we cannot do this alone. We all need to do our part in making this happen. We each have a responsibility to think about humanity and the good of the world because it affects our own future. We weren't born on this planet to create problems but to leave a positive impact on others. You are the voice for the weak and suppressed, and Cryptocurrency is the movement for us to speak up and do what the repressed couldn't. It is more than just a decentralized, global peer-to-peer cash system-- it is a global humanitarian movement. And this is why despite the bear market, I am still very optimistic about cryptocurrency. Because it gives people like myself a higher purpose beyond just price alone, and it is that sense of purpose that drives things forward regardless of the bear market. I'm still very actively introducing new people to cryptocurrency, getting them to download and experience it for themselves. In fact, I am even secretly grateful for the bear market because I can buy more crypto for the same dollar. It is the accumulation phase. If someone comes into crypto hoping to get rich overnight, this bear market will be really depressing for them. But if someone has a higher purpose in doing something, that changes everything. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?? Website: http://www.ColinTalksCrypto.com